As of March 2021, Microsoft has made a change in the Xbox API which now marks every new screenshot as "unpublished". This means that we are not able to retrieve any new screenshots. They are only visible to the user that captured them, and only on the official Xbox App. The authentication system used for the newer Xbox Apps is also something we are not able to use, so we cannot even retrieve your screenshots even if you are logged in to Gamer DVR using your Xbox account.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience this causes. If you would like to help out, please feel free to reach out to any official Xbox/Microsoft contacts you may have and put then in contact with us. We would love to work on a viable solution for the future. If Microsoft could just revert their change to make screenshots "published" again on the Xbox API that would also fix the problem immediately! ×

UPDATE: We have had some success with retrieving new screenshots using your Xbox login. Some games are still missing, but the majority are now available. Please click the button below to login with your Xbox account.

Xbox ×
  • 3 Anthem™ 13_6_2020 11_01_42 ...
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  • 2 Anthem™ 13_6_2020 11_00_41 ...
  • 3 Anthem™ 7_6_2020 11_18_34 a...
  • 1 Anthem™ 7_6_2020 11_44_24 a...
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